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Getting really real.

So, I took a year and a half hiatus from modeling until this past weekend ( and do not plan on seeing any more modeling images from me anytime soon).

I have been torn about addressing this or explaining Instagram stories.

My mom advised to take the photos down due to my current application to grad school. A friend expressed concern about the lingerie photos and my goals of working with children...

I took the story down but know this...

I chose to model for that photo shoot because I resonated with the designer and the brand. I look highly of Madalyn and her work is absolutely beautiful, it's art. If she asked to work with together again I would model her lingerie in a heart beat.

Everyone who was a part of the team was respectful, tasteful, kind, and creatively inspiring.

So, I am very open about my opinions about the modeling industry, and some may ask, "then why the heck did you just do a lingerie photo shoot?"

Here is my answer. It was empowering to be fully in my body again. After years of abusing it, picking it apart, starving it, overworking it, I am in a place where I can openly admire my body and there is nothing wrong with that. I am also 121% well aware that you do not need to pose in lingerie to feel good about your body, but that was something I chose to do and was for my particular situation was something I felt I needed to do.

It was empowering to look at those photos and not pick apart every aspect of myself. I could be curvy and muscular and imperfect and still do a photo shoot--(half naked mind you). If you had told me two years ago that I would model lingerie without having "proper" measurements, without a rigorous work out regime and diet preparation leading up the shoot I would have told you that you're crazy.

This shoot was for me. I did take the images down because I guess they did not need to be seen by everyone on my social media, although everyone should check out Madalyn Joy Designs because they're pieces of art and I am honored to have been her canvas.

I am excited and proud for how far I have come and here are a few photos from the other day!

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